Radina Popova
National High School in Finance and Business
1, Rozova dolina St.
1421 Sofia, Bulgaria
E-mail: nfsg.sofia@gmail.com
Absract. The article presents an realized idea of project-based learning
„incarnations“ as a mechanism for encouraging reading and an element of consistently
applied technology for developing communicative skills in the Bulgarian language
classes and Literature at 11. Class by enriching learning with game and activity
elements and focusing on interactions to stimulate positive emotional experiences,
and discovering personal talents, leading to the improvement of communicative
and social skills and It gives opportunity to stimulate the activity and creativity of
the students through creative activity and artistic performances, but also extends
the cognitive horizon by touching different historical figures, character in the life of
Bulgarian writers, which are part from our national canon.
Keywords: project-based learning; developing communicative skills; incarnation;
game; artistic performance; stimulate positive emotional experiences
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