Eng. Elena Milcheva, Eng. Ignat Ignatov
Venetka Ilieva, Irinka Hristova
Vocational School of Forestry and Woodworking “Nikolay Haytov”
Varna, Bulgaria
Absract. A group of students from 10v grade whose specialty is “Forestry
and Hunting Enterprise” represented a STEM lesson devoted to the celebration
of eminent anniversaries in our high school. Knowledge from the special subjects
Dendrology, Silviculture, Soil Science was presented during the lesson. The students
showed great competence in the general subjects, too: Physics, Mathematics,
Computer Sciences and Information Technologies. The presentation of the subjects included some quotations from Nikolay Haytov’s works. The famous Bulgarian writer had worked as an engineer-arborist also.
Keywords: STEM lesson; silviculture; Dendrology; Physics; Information technologies; Mathematics
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