Elif Alkar, Tolga Kara
Prof. Dr. Emin Atasoy
Bursa Uludag University (Turkey)
Abstract. In this study, it was aimed to identify the factors impacting the effective citizenship values of secondary school students within the scope of social studies education. The research data were collected from 5 different secondary schools located in the province of Kocaeli in Turkey in the fall semester of 2020-2021 academic year. Participants of the study were a total of 905 students, 481 of whom were females and 424 of them were males. In this study carried out in the scanning design as a descriptive study, the effect of students’ grade level, gender, education level of their parents, monthly income of the family, frequency of following the news and being a member of a non-governmental organization on the effective citizenship values were tried to be identified. The study is the first international research to determine the effective citizenship value levels of Secondary School students within the scope of social studies education.
Keywords: secondary school students; social studies education; citizenship; effective citizenship; citizenship education, value