Mr. Aleksander Popkochev, PhD student
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”
Absract. What are social axioms and problem-solving styles, and how do they fit in the professional environment of higher education? The research seeks an answer to the question in a sample of 34 university lecturers using a shortened and easier-to-use version of SAS test and Kirton KAI Inventory for the styles.
Verification in the environment of SPSS 23 shows a uniform distribution and high
values of Cronbach’s reliability coefficient. The axioms Effort-Reward and Social
Complexity are leading for the respondents. Efficiency and Conformity are the leading decision-making styles. The values of the subscales Originality, Effort-Reward and Social Complexity are below 0.7. No correlation has been found between the professional experience of the researched subjects and the studied social axioms and problem-solving styles. A partial one has the university position in one of the styles and two structural components of the social axioms. Only in one case ANOVA confirms the hypothesis of a correlation between the social axioms’ subscales and problem-solving styles (Destiny Control-Conformity). Social axioms
and preferred problem-solving styles appear to show some flexibility. Their leading
components satisfactorily fit into the conditions of the professional activity of the
studied lecturers.
Keywords: values; social axioms; problem-solving styles; university lecturers; institutional environment
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