Dr. Miglena Molhova-Vladova,
Dr. Ivaylo B. Ivanov
University of National and World Economy
Abstract. Advanced technologies and related business models that disrupt the existing market structure weaken the position of certain professional and social groups at the expense of others, thereby posing significant threats to the efficient operation of businesses. The disruptiveness of technology results in turbulent and chaotic processes in the environment with strong dynamics, rapid changes, increased uncertainty and unpredictability, increased complexity of systems, shorter decision times. Following the 4-dimensional framework of technological and market aspects of disruptive technologies, which evaluates the disruptive potential of technologies, considering the level of novelty addressed in the formulation and solution of a technical problem and the market demand structure with the existing information asymmetry on it, the current paper aims at proposing a model of risk management to assess the risks associated with the development and deployment of disruptive technologies, which in the face of continuous technological change is a must for any economic activity aimed at creating value and competitive advantage.
Keywords: disruptive technologies, evaluation of disruptive potential, risk management, disruption as a risk factor