Transversal Projections in Preschool Education and Education 4.0
Absract. This article aims to reveal the essence and importance of Education 4.0. nowadays also the projections of the transversal approach for the formation of knowledge, skills and attitudes in preschool education. There is a need to update the educational process in preschool and apply thematic learning as a basis for the formation of important competences for developing the potential of each child. The impact of Education 4.0. reflects on the overall management of work in the preschool and in this respect, it is necessary to create conditions for its lasting presence through the implementation of different teaching strategies. Transversal projections, in this case, need to be transformed through all 7 educational areas in the management of the classroom environment, involving parents and family members, overcoming stereotypes and prejudices, planning activities, using interactive methods and digital work technologies.
Keywords: education 4.0; aspects of transversal skills; competency approach; thematic learning; preschool education
Dr. Emil Buzov, Assoc. Prof.
College of Pedagogy – Pleven
Distance Learning – Challenges and Ways to Achieve Higher Quality of Training Courses
Absract. The text outlines the main stages in designing an online course for distance learning. The work is based on the world best practices in this sphere and is aligned to the Ordinance on State Requirements for Organizing a Distance Learning Form in Higher Schools (2004) and the requirements of the National Agency for Assessment and Accreditation. The main goal is to propose an example for the development of an online course, which can be used by university professors to use distance-learning for students in the University of Veliko Tarnovo. The course design is based on the principles of the constructive approach towards education. As a platform to create an online course is used MOODLE - it offers excellent capabilities for pedagogical communication, realization of collaborative online learning activities and remote access to numerous resources.
Keywords: distance learning; design of an online course
Dr. Stoyanka Lazarova, Dr. Lachezar Lazarov
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo
Discovery Science under the Conditions of Preschool Age Workshop
Absract. The object of this study is the additional form of pedagogic interaction - workshop. The activity of the child at preschool age is analyzed under the condition of the workshop, when the child plays the role of an explorer and discoverer of the environmental diversity. From an organizational point of view, this would mean teamwork, in small groups of “cooperative learning or learning through cooperation” with a focus on methods, such as: experimentation, elementary experiments and varieties of the Game phenomenon. The stages of technological developments of the workshop at pre-school age are worked out. The phases and stages of pedagogical interaction are outlined in an exemplary technological model for the development of the preschool age workshop. The theoretical presentation is added by projects of workshops for orientation of a preschooler in a healthy and social environment, which are devoted to the physical, mental and social health.
Keywords: workshop; discovery science; activity and research activity of the child at preschool age; experimentation; elementary attempts
Dr. Bilyana Kaloferova
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
Level of Formation of Health Culture of Students in High School Stage
Absract. The article examines the problem of the level of formation of the students' health culture, based on a local empirical study, in a specific school environment, on different components. The importance of health for the proper functioning of the human body is emphasised. Various initiatives have been identified in this direction at national and European level. Two main characteristics of the students ' health culture are identified and analysed: cognitive and behavioural. It brings together a variety of evidence collected on an empirical basis, based on the self-assessment of respondents in terms of their healthy lifestyle. The role of different sources of health information is disclosed, providing students with the opportunity to range and evaluate them in terms of their influence on their lifestyle. Conclusions and recommendations on the problem are formulated.
Keywords: health; health culture; health promotion; students
Dr. Marinela Grudeva, Ms. Nicol Doneva
Medical College
Medical University „Prof. Dr. P. Stoyanov“
„The Iron Wake-Up Call“ – I Hear Your Voices, Children
Absract. In this paper are presented and analyzed some of the worst practices of modern days that are applied to the life of children, and all that from children’s perspective. The current paper is one of several author’s articles on this topic, including: “The Misunderstood Education-Civilization” – on modern societies and damaged children” and “Ontogenesis and Development of Modern Child and Their Functioning Within the Family Unit“.
Keywords: worst practices; ethics; children’s voices; assisted reproductive technology; insemination; in-vitro fertilization; embryo; moral values; family; parenting; teaching; fourth trimester; preparation for natural conception
Dr. Svetoslava Saeva
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”
The Universal Design for Learning in Inclusive Education
Absract. Inclusive education is successful when it provides quality academic and social inclusion for all learners. The analysis in the context of these two types of inclusion is extremely useful in the direction of policies and practices towards children and students who have dropped out of the education system. The article introduces the Universal Design for Learning as a possible educational framework for inclusive education that allows personalization of training according to individual educational needs and learning style of learners. Comparative analysis of the components in a traditional curriculum and a curriculum created within the framework of universal training design has been made. The possibilities for the implementation of the Universal Design for Learning, in accordance with the current Ordinance on inclusive education from 2017 in Bulgaria, are analyzed.
Keywords: Universal Design for Learning (UDL), inclusive education, pedagogical support
Dr. Evgeniya Topolska
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo – Branch Vratza
A Model for Development of Self-Regulation in Preschool and Primary School Children's Health Behavior
Absract. This paper presents a model for development of self-regulation in preschool and primary school children's health behavior, particular in the period 6-7 – 10-11 years. The logic of the relationship “self-regulatory health behavior – child health” through the forming role of the psyche is presented. The social predisposition of the behavior as an essence is analyzed. The development of behavior requires a structured and functioning contextual environment in regulative way, pursuant to the normative documents for health and science education at pre-school and primary school age. The design of this environment is based on the implementation of cognitive, metacognitive and motivational strategies for self-regulated learning, according to B. Zimmerman's theoretical formulations. The impact of the categories: goal setting, strategic planning, self-observation, self-control and reflection on the self-regulatory health behavior in children is illustrated using examples.
Keywords: self-regulatory health behavior; contextual environment; strategies for self-regulated learning; child health
Dr. Svetlana Angelova
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo – Branch Vratza
Student Portfolio through the Eyes of Future Teachers
Absract. In recent years, the process of rethinking the system of assessing student achievement has continued in the world of pedagogy, as assessment is one of the main components of the educational process. The modern teacher is in search of new methods and means by which to create favorable conditions for striving for self-education, self-knowledge, development of motivation and formation of key competences of the student's personality. The use of the portfolio makes it possible to evaluate not only the product but also the learning process. It allows parents and teachers to be informed about student development in ways that are impossible with other types of assessment. The article presents the results of a survey on the use of the portfolio in the process of evaluating student achievement.
Keywords: portfolio; education; assessment
Dr. Silvia Todorova
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo
For Sexual Education in Social Service – Residential Homes for Children
Absract. The article presents some basic aspects of sexual education of children and young people accommodated in the residential homes in Bulgaria. The normative regulations that determine the directions of sexual education in these services are examined and the results of a research conducted among the staff of the three homes in Veliko Tarnovo are presented. The need for regular training and activities is justified precisely because of the vulnerability of children and young people as well as the risk situation they were exposed to. Emphasis is placed on the formation of sexual culture and the sexual education conducted in the residential care servicen (Family home), as well as the difficulties faced by the staff in conducting discussions and activities on the issues under consideration.
Keywords: sexual education; residential care; family home; children; young people
Dr. Mariela Todorova-Koleva
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo
The Role of Tourism to Optimize the Locomotor Regimen for Students in Vratza Area
Absract. The purpose of this article is to present some opportunities of tourism as a good physical training of students. The development of volitional qualities such as: discipline, patience, activity, sense of initiative, insistence, determination, is a priority in the course of physical education and sport. An actual data received via a survey, related to tourism in this course are presented here. Participants in the survey are students from Veliko Turnovo University – Vratsa Branch.
Keywords: students; physical education and sport; tourism
Ms. Maya Gergova-Chuchkova
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo – Branch Vratza
Games and Competitions to Transform an English for Specific Purposes Class into Ctudent-Centered
Abstract. The article addresses the problem of using games and competitions to transform traditional teacher-centered English for Specific Purposes (ESP) class into student-centered. The basic features of games are distinguished: following rules, getting immediate feedback and achieving a goal. Gamification is defined as a process of using games in education aimed at bringing democracy into educational environment and achieving better learning results by motivating students. The characteristics of teacher-centered and student-centered models are discussed in the article. Detailed descriptions of games and competitions are provided, the guidelines of introducing gamification in an ESP class are outlined. The author comes to the conclusion that gamification of education, aiming at achieving better learning results and employability of graduates, is effective if properly applied.
Keywords: competition; English for Specific Purposes (ESP); game; gamification; student-centered
Oksana Chugai
Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute – Kyiv (Ukraine)