Jana Kegalj,
Dr. Mirjana Borucinsky, Assoc. Prof.
Dr. Sandra Tominac Coslovich, Assoc. Prof.
University of Rijeka (Croatia)
Abstract. In the current context of exponential growth of knowledge, it is necessary to acquire new skills to enhance our knowledge in accordance with the fluctuating needs on the labour market. These new skills, such as problem analysis, information management, information assessment, may be developed through the data-driven learning (DDL) approach which fosters autonomy and self-directed learning thus developing life-long skills. This paper describes the application of DDL approach in teaching Maritime English which places the student in the centre of the process, while the traditional role of the teacher is transformed into a mentor, a guide, an advisor. In the process, the students are exposed to large amounts of authentic linguistic data in the form of corpora, which they actively search and study the patterns thus learning to learn.
Keywords: data-driven learning; authentic materials; student-centred approach; Maritime English