1) Prof. Dr. Nataliya Hristova Pavlova, 2) Michaela Toncheva
1) Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen
2) Secondary School “Sava Dobroplodni”
Abstract. The article presents the results of the approbation of the game “Logic Monsters”. The game is aimed at developing logic thinking and is applicable within various educational subjects. Several different implementations of the game’s basic idea have been proposed. Modifications encompass technological performance and cognitive goals directed at both directions of the task. The study covered a core group of students from four countries, aged 14 – 18. A survey, discussion and observation were conducted with them. Additionally, results from a group of teachers and a group of university students with whom discussions and observations were conducted are also presented. Conclusions are obtained and a classification of the types of “solutions” in the different game modifications is presented. A connection is made between the thinking style and the proposed solutions. Several authentic solutions are presented.
Keywords: game; math; training; thinking; active methods; game approaches