Native (Interactive Lesson with Cross-Curricular Link Bulgarian – Mathematics, V class)
Iva Sheynova, Kostadinka Hristova
Konstantin Fotinov High School Samokov, Bulgaria
Absract. Pupils, thanks to the internet, have unlimited access to practically all humans knowledge. One of the most important tasks of today’s education is to help young people develop skills for orientation in the information flow. The methodical renewal of teaching is one of the greatest challenges towards modern educational system. To keep pace with the dynamics of today's life, learning should go beyond the current models that rely on the emancipation of individual learning disciplines and should highlight their synergistic interaction. The article discusses a lesson model based on cross-curricular links when combining two courses - Bulgarian language and mathematics. It is often assumed that these two objects are mutually exclusive and do not have any interference. We believe that there are no dividing lines in the field of knowledge. We see links in places that other see borders. If one looks in this manner at different sciences, it becomes clear that they complement each other. If used in learning, this can turn the lesson to be interesting and amusing.
Keywords: interactive methods; interrelationships; Bulgarian language; mathematics
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