Dr. Rumyana Neminska, Assoc. Prof.
Trakia University
Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
Absract. The competence approach and innovations in education are one of the levers for the development of quality in academic education. The Strategy for Development of Higher Education 2021 – 2030 (draft) sets out a number of priority areas and goals for the development of higher education. In the present study, these objectives are operationalized through a competency analysis of updated curricula of direction 1.2. “Pedagogy”. The study specifies a number of concepts and scientific statements at the meta-level, so as to outline the operational scientific structure of the competency approach. A qualitative criterion analysis of the teaching activity is made in order to outline the leading approaches in academic teaching, types of competencies set in the curricula, effective methods of teaching and learning.
Keywords: competencies; analysis; curricula; higher education