Dr. Snezhanka Dobreva, Assoc. Prof.
Episkop Konstantin Preslavski Shumen University
Absract. The article traces aspects of leadership in the modern school and kindergarten from different perspectives, formulated on the basis of analysis of theories and understandings of leadership, management styles, roles of the director of an educational institution. A study is presented, the main purpose of which is to improve the understanding of these qualities of the leader that make him a successful leader. The contribution to the district of effective leadership, as part of management
functions and skills, is in outlining the characteristics of the leader that are important for creating a leadership community and outlining those that are not considered particularly important among principals, teachers, experts and teachers . It has been established that the created conditions for the professional development of pedagogical specialists who understand, share and support the views in the leadership vision for the development of the institution, the manifestation of a culture of generating innovative ideas, the ability to manage based on magnetism, attractiveness, charisma. are the indicators for successful implementation and development of leadership.
Keywords: leadership; collective leadership; quality of education; management style