Stefka Karaivanova
Departament for Information and In-service Teachers Training Trakia University Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
Absract. This article aims to interpret in a comparative aspect five Dalchev’s poetry, in which the leading image is the rain. The aim is to clarify the presence of “rainyness” as a poetic figure that defines the parameters of being as meaning, and which characterizes Atanas-Dalche‘s artistic reasoning and self-reliance. Interesting is the ambiguous sign that embodies the image of “rain” – death and birth, light and darkness, anxiety and consolation, poetically expressed with philosophical depth and awareness. It turns out that the rain is a “black mirror” in which the selfassimilation and self-acceptance of the human in the illusory search of the truth for the Other as availability and absence is carried out.
Keywords: Atanas Dalchev; “rainy” visions; human existence; poetic figure; rationalism; dialectics
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