Prof. Snezhanka Dobreva
Episkop Konstantin Preslavski Shumen University
Absract. The introduction of new human resources management policies is a key catalyst for the organizational development of school institutions and for achieving sustainability in quality management systems. The article analyzes the problems of human resources management in the context of ensuring the quality of education. The causes of the problems and alternatives for influencing them in the context of human resource management in the modern school are outlined. We are looking for solutions for the management of pedagogical specialists, as part of the human resources in the school, aimed at the new requirements and responsibilities to the autonomous institutions to achieve high quality educational services, which include continuous improvement of teachers' competencies, life skills development,
21st century students, participation in the management of the institution. Possible
management strategies are presented, leading to the improvement of human
resources management and solving the problems with the quality of education in
Keywords: human resource management; quality of teaching and learning; human resource management policies