Lidiya Pedalova
Vocational High School of Light Industry “Rayna Knyaginya” (Haskovo)
Absract. The article presents a linguistic and stylistic analysis of an excerpt from “Madame Bovary”, a novel written by Gustave Flaubert. The present analysis is of a part of chapter VII which is included in IXth class compulsory
study of the school subject Literature. Some observations of the perfect style of the
author are made by analyzing the illusions of Emma Bovary. Artistic details and mini-dialogues that prove Flaubert's ingeniously composed language and grace of phrase are interpreted. The new narrative technique, the detailed accuracy, the ringing practiced and thought-out speech and the remarkable skill of the utterance create his image as a presentable and modern writer.
Keywords: G. Flaubert; Bovary; style; illusion; reality; Bovarism